Friday 22 February 2013

Baby goats Feb. 2013

It's been awhile and I am just going to pen a few lines and include some adorable pictures of my baby goats.
This is Gnomewood LMGS Island Honey Vanilla, daughter of Primrose and one of quadruplets! Just Amazing. Mousse is the big guy laying in the background on the right hand side of the photo.

We have had 26 does kid and are taking care of a slew of babies.

Most are now drinking their milk from a lamb bar (the square bucket) it has nipples and plastic tubes acting like straws - so the babies can eat when they want. Always a bit of a scrum when the buckets first go into the pen.

`As you can see, some are less interested in food and more interested in playing or jumping on each other.
Little Miss Vanilla is more than happy to get attention.
It's been extremely busy but very satisfying so far. Raising up the next generation is lots of work but they are so endearing and such happy little girls. Just love them.
Stay tuned for more blogging.