Monday, 26 November 2012

Some Facts about Gelato

          Smooth Taste…Island Pace

Did you know that there are Gelato Universities in Italy and the University of Guelph has offered a one-week course in making ice cream for the last 50+ years? Gelato and Ice Cream have been popular for hundreds of years but it is since the industrial revolution that refrigeration has made it accessible to the general population; the love of the cool, creamy treat has just exploded.

Ice Cream & Gelato are quite different. Gelato, especially our goat milk legatogelato, has much less fat. LegatoGelato has more flavour as well, it is denser and served a bit warmer than ice cream, so you have a blast of flavour in your mouth.

Regular ice cream, especially budget brands have cow milk cream, cow milk (usually powdered), sugar or corn syrup or straight glucose, maybe some sort of egg product, flavour (generally artificial) and binders & emulsifiers. All the ingredients are mixed up into a liquid, pasteurized and then the liquid is put into a batch freezer. The batch freezer stirs and adds air while the liquid is frozen to become ice cream. The more air that is whipped in, the more ice cream you get. So some manufacturers will make 3 cups of ice cream from one cup of their liquid base.

LEGATOGELATO is NOT whipped into a frenzy. LegatoGelato has air slowly incorporated into it but only about 30%, so for a cup of base you will get one and a third cups of legatogelato. This makes the legatogelato significantly denser. We also add lots of flavour, I mix three parts fruit mix to five parts of my base. My legatogelato base has NO artificial binders or emulsifiers. Nothing is in our legatogelato that you wouldn’t find in your own kitchen. It is REAL food made from REAL ingredients to make a wonderful, tasty REAL treat.

I take whole, pure goat milk, from my very own goats, add organic eggs from happy hens, organic cornstarch, organic sugar and some local sea salt, mix it up, cook and then pasteurize it. This is Our Base! It tastes wonderful in the liquid state. The base sits overnight and gets thicker as the organic cornstarch works its magic.

The next day I mix in our flavours. We hand-make our fruit flavours from fresh local fruits and berries. I try to get local organic berries first and then get the local berries if there isn’t enough of the organic kind around. We clean the fruit or berries then cook up with organic sugar and organic lemon juice – that’s it! This yummy mix is frozen & used as the base is ready.

The combined base and fruit mix gets poured into our Gelato Batch Freezer. We have an Italian machine – a Carpiggianni. The machine mixes air into the mix slowly and freezes the mix in about 15 minutes. Then into the containers and down to the freezer.
It’s a very straightforward process.
A clean pure product made from pure foods.
Our LegatoGelato is a real food.

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