Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Ethics & starting a Business

          Smooth Taste…Island Pace

          When I think of ethics, I think of what I consider “right” and “wrong”. My ethics have changed over time, I feel as I get older I am getting somewhat wiser and seeing more of the “big picture” with life. It seems to me we live in a time of dichotomy – where everyone has to take a side and there is no middle ground. Nature and life aren’t like that. There is always a middle ground, and shades of gray.
          It’s the same with food and food production. There’s the strict legislative way to produce food that is based on the worse cases. A few lousy producers have made everything very restrictive for those of us producing a superior product. What I do with my little farm and 30 goats just can’t compare with massive factory farms milking 500 goats. I have much more control over the product we produce, our small size means that every step of the production can be monitored and taken care of. My animals aren’t crowded so we have less disease, less problems and better quality milk.
          Milk has gotten a bad reputation over the last few years as well. I really think that factory farming is again to blame. There really is a limit to how many animals can be crowded together and pushed for maximum production without taking into account the natural behaviors and needs of the animals themselves. Cattle are built to wander around and graze. Most commercial dairy farms do not let their cows outside! Goats need to bounce around and investigate and play – some large commercial dairies do not let the goats outside as well. Bored goats get into so much trouble, fight with each other, and bully each other – it would drive me mad. Sunshine has its on intrinsic benefits as well (Vitamin D, UV rays). It seems that business decisions do not take into account the animals or the land.
          I understand that businesses need to make money. Heck, I want to make money with my dairy and my gelato business too. However, it has to be a balance (for us anyways). I don’t feel you can build a healthy, successful business without taking into account ethics and the ethical way you treat animals, people, and the environment.
          The balance is complicated and always in flux. For example; I purchase quality feed for my goats and provide them an interesting, enriched environment to live in. I could buy completely organic feed but I wouldn’t be able to stay in business. I could buy more land and give the herd more room to romp and play, but I can’t afford land at the going rate of $100K per acre (min.) for bare land on Vancouver Island in my area. I do provide the best hay and feed available that I can afford. I give them supplements and minerals to help make up for any lack, and we take them for walks. Yes – straight out of “Heidi – the movie”, goat walks.
                     Our property has crown land behind it and we try to get the milking does (females) out for a walk and nibble a couple times a week. The areas are primarily brush and wild plants and the does love it! It’s interesting to watch what they select to eat, their preferences change with the seasons. Right now (August) they feast on the leaves of salmon berries, wild blackberries, & huckleberries. The goats seem to know what they lack in the way of vitamins and minerals and will attempt to make up of it. No leashes required – goats naturally herd and our girls are bottle babies so love and follow people – especially Mom.
          So ethics and the basic right and wrong are always on my mind when we make decisions about our businesses. We provide the best we can in the way of milk from the goats and ingredients for the gelato. We decided to buy (in priority) local/organic, local and then organic products to go in the gelato. We support organic growers/producers as they have a commitment to the land as we do.
          It is our plan to operate ethical businesses. I believe it is the only way and I can’t see myself being happy with success unless it is obtained by keeping my beliefs & ethics intact. I don’t want to profit by using people or animals. We can all win and benefit from success.

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