Monday, 29 October 2012

Sept 2012 - Getting Ready for a Goat show - last minute prep

          Smooth Taste…Island Pace

Getting Ready for a Goat Show
           It’s Tuesday and I am writing my lists and planning (somewhat belatedly) for the goat show I am attending this weekend. The goats have to be in place by 8:00 pm on Thursday night.

          It has been so busy with the dairy and getting the gelato business going that I’m afraid I have left everything very late.

          I did get my entry forms into the fair’s office on time, so that’s good. As I am one of the coordinators of the show, it looks good if the paperwork gets in. I am the conveyor of the show but the show secretary that does all the work. They figure out the show entries, the schedules, and a hundred other details.

          My to-do list for this evening consists of clipping goats, should really bathe them first but I can’t face it. The goats hate getting wet and it puts them in a bad mood for the clipping to follow. I also have to call and arrange for a veterinarian to show up Thursday night and do a health check on the show goats. A vet or three active members of the Canadian Goat Society to do health checks are required under the CGS rules. It’s awfully last minute so I don’t hold out much hope for a vet.

          Need to send out some emails tonight as well, in preparation of the next show that is in the first week of September (less than a month now). I’m going to ask the office manager to arrange for a vet for that show – I don’t know many in that area.

          Writing up a list of “goat things” to take: Registration papers are important – I forgot them once and had to get the delivered to the show – I am still hearing complaints about that fiasco (it was a 2 hr drive each way); a milk stand and milk bucket, leads for each goat, buckets, hay bags and feed bowls enough for the six of them, enough grain and hay for 4 days, my clippers and clipping supplies for any last minute touch-ups, towels in case they need to be bathed, and any decorations/marketing and promotional material I have. – I think that’s it. I always throw in extra items as well, just in case.

          Then I have to load up the camper on yummy food, bedding (my favorite pillow and quilt). The camper is pretty well full of everything else. We have been stocking it as an emergency living space. Karen (my best friend and business partner) is the local Emergency Preparedness Rep, so we are prepared for emergencies. Living in an earthquake zone makes it more real and living out in the country makes you more aware of the possibilities of being on your own.

          I also have to organize my personal clothes/prescriptions and stuff all that in a small bag. I will be camping on the site from Thursday night to Sunday so only 3 nights but might as well be comfortable.

          Continuing this blog on Wednesday morning: I had some wonderful friends, Dolina, Shelby and Kat, come by last night and help me clip some of the does – they did an awesome job. It is such a great feeling to have very good friends who are willing to give me a hand. We had pizza and some honey vanilla gelato and then clipped and primped the does for 2 hours. Sapphire is completely done, Topaz has just her head/neck to trim, and Ruby needs her legs, udder, and tail trimmed. We didn’t get to Jett or the two babies; Navara & Christie though they had their hooves trimmed. It is a great start and a huge weight off my shoulders. A big THANK YOU to my friends!

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